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To create your account choose the "Register" link on the header navigational bar or use any of the links available on the home page. When registering you will be asked to complete a short form which includes standard information such as your contact details, preferred login credentials etc.

Mandatory fields include:-

  1. · Name
  2. · City
  3. · State/Province/county
  4. · Zip/Post Code
  5. · Phone Number
  6. · Birthday
  7. · Username & Password
  8. · E-Mail address
  9. · Confirmation of terms an conditions acceptance

Once registered you will receive E-Mail confirmation. ALL registration are vetted by us before approving and we may require further information from time to time. This shall include a mandatory identities verification usually by AUSTPOST. If you do not receive an approval reply from us please contact us within 24 hours of your registration. Please note, by accepting these terms and conditions (by registration) you also give consent for us to disclose your name, residential address and date of birth to a credit reporting agency and ask the credit reporting agency to provide an assessment of whether the personal information so provided matches (in whole or in part) personal information contained in a credit information file in the possession or control of the credit reporting agency to assist in verifying your identity for the purposes of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth). The credit reporting agency may prepare and provide us with such an assessment and may use your personal information including the names, residential addresses and dates of birth contained in credit information files of you and other individuals for the purposes of preparing such an assessment. If you disagree with having your identity verified by a credit reporting agency, please contact us so that we can discuss other options with you.

Should you encounter any registration difficulties please contact us.

Placing A Bid

Placing a bid on an item you are interested in couldn’t be easier, when viewing the item details page you will have two areas from where you can place your bid, one next to the item details and a second at the bottom of the page.

To place your bid simply enter the amount you wish to bid e.g. 50.00 or 50. Please note no currency symbols are required.The bid will be placed in the auction currency. Do not put any comma.

Once done you will be asked to review your bid and you will also be able to view vital item details such as the special conditions before confirming your bid.To submit your bid simply press the "Place Bid" button.

If your bid is high enough to take the lead in the auction a confirmation message will be displayed to you, however if your bid has not taken the lead be it due to a higher proxy bid or not meeting the reserve price you will be invited to make a further bid.

Should you decide to retract your bid this can be done via the "Current Bids" section of the member's area. Note this function is currently disable and you will need to contact us (click on the contact us link).

You can also place a proxy bid, proxy bidding allows you to place your "High Bid". At all times you will only pay the lowest required bid should you win the auction. For example, if the current bid on an auction is 500.00 you can place a proxy bid of 2,000. Should you remain the only bidder you will only pay 500.00. However should the item receive other bids the site will automatically re-bid as your proxy for you (upto 2,000 in this scenario) to ensure you remain in the lead.

How to Sell

To list your item simply click on the OFFER link found on the header navigational bar. The listing process is split up into several main sections, notably:-

  • Category selection
  • Item Details
  • Auction Settings
  • Legal and Payment
  • Listing preview
  • Listing confirmation

The listing process is developed in such a way that you are guided through every step seamlessly.

The first part of the process is to choose the category you wish to list your item in, this can be revised at any time by using the "Previous Step"  navigation button.

Step two enables you to enter your item title and description, a full wysiwyg editor is in place to enable you to use HTML descriptions.

If you have a voucher code to redeem this can be entered just below the description field.

Moving on to step three, this is the biggest stage of the listing process. On this step you can set the following:-

A· Auction type:-

Standard Auction

This is a single quantity auction

Dutch Auction

Dutch auction enables you to list a multiple quantity auction, for example if you have 100 property to sell you can list all of these together in a single lot. Bidders will be able to select how many they wish to bid for. This is for generic products.

B· Currency:-

You can select your preferred auction currency using the drop down menu available. Currently there is no choice except as provided.

C· Quantity:-

This field is only active if listing a Dutch auction, please see above for an explanation of this listing type

D· Auction Starts At:-

This requires you to enter the minimum bid you are willing to accept, you MUST set a reserve price to ensure you do not sell the item for less than this amount. Please see below for more information on this.

E· Reserve Price:-

Enabling a reserve price effectively means you will not sell the item for less than the amount set, for example you can set the start price at 5.00 but only accept winning bids over 50.00, should a bid be placed for 49.99 the item will close without a winner.

F· Buy out (if available):-

Buy out allows you to set an amount you are willing to sell the item for – straight out. For example you can set the start price to 10.00 but offer interested parties the option to buy the item immediately for 100.00.

You can also list buy out only auctions, these auctions remove all bidding options meaning the listing can only be purchased for a set amount. To set a buy out only auction you need to set the buy out value to be exactly equal with the start bid.

G· Offer-Range (if available):-

You can set a price bracket in which you are willing to listing to offer, for example if you set the price brackets from 15.00 to 100.00 interested parties will be able to offer you an amount within these brackets, you can opt whether to accept or decline these offers at any time via the members area.

H· Bid increment:-

This option can be used to set your own custom bid increment if preferred.

I· Item featuring (if available):-

The following options are available to you (fees may apply), these will highlight your item on site to ensure they reach more visitors:-

Home page featured

Category featured

Bold text

Highlighted background

J . Set start/end time:-

You can either opt to list your item right away and set a defined number of days for it to be live for or you also have the option to define your own custom start/end time.

K· Private Auction:-

Private auction will hide the bidders identity on the item details page

L· Image upload:- (each file MAX 2MB)

To accompany your item you can either upload images from your local computer or enter the URL of an image(s) hosted elsewhere

M· Media upload:-(each file MAX 2 MB)

In addition to images you can also upload media files, please note only .avi/.mpeg/.mov are supported.

N· Auto Re-List

For convenience you can opt to have your items automatically re-listed for you, options are available to allow you to select whether the item should be re-listed if sold and how many re-list attempts should be made.

On the next step you can set your legal and payment preferences. It is important to have a lawyer to assist you with the conveyance and by default if you do not have one or leave this section blank, one will be appointed to you which can be KHAI KWAN (any one of us in Khai Kwan) or one from our panel of Solicitors.

Proceeding on, you can then review the listing and make changes if required, please note you can still edit your listing once live via the members area.

The final step provides you with listing confirmation.

Auction Watch

The auction watch features notifies you of newly listed auctions which contain keywords you have chosen. For example if you are looking for a specific property in Randwick, NSW you could enter in those keywords from within your members area area. Each time a new auction is listed containing those keywords you will be notified via email.


Item Watching

The item watch features lets you keep a close eye on any auction without having to place a bid on it. This feature means you can be kept up to date on how an auction is doing and prepares you to place a winning last minute bid. You can watch any auction by clicking on the “Watch this item” link on any auction page.


Buy Out

If the option is available you can use “Buy Out” to purchase the item immediately without having to place a bid. Some Vendor offers such an option which can be used at any time until a bid has been placed over any applicable reserve price.

The "Buy Out" option will appear on the item details page, you will be asked to confirm your intention to buy out the item before the sale is concluded. "Buy out" cannot be retracted.